Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Seems the Lightbringer is getting real nervous

about the investigations.  Good.  Because he should be; anyone involved in this crap should be scared as hell about this all coming out.

Like the meetings.  Plural.  And the calls, and the connections.  And all the people who've lied under oath.

Don't know if we'll get the real housecleaning needed, but at least some of the information is actually getting out.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    There is no reason for them to fear. They are truly above the law in every way that counts. No prosecutors will bring charges. No jury will convict. The evidence isn't relevant.


  2. Him, probably. Some of the others, maybe not.

    And even if can't put him behind bars, having a lot of the crap he did and ordered done dragged out and tarnishing his 'sterling' reputation would be worth a lot.
