Saturday, May 16, 2020

If it was in Ohio that early, you can bet

it was pretty much everywhere else.

Further evidence that a bunch of control-freak and/or panicky politicians, listening to experts using crap models built on bad data, have trashed our economy without reason.

Bunch of people need to be out of those public-supplied offices and trying to get on the unemployment line.


  1. Yep. I've been saying that since March.

    I initially based it on all the isolated cases that popped up. Since then, I've been finding more data points like this to support the theory. Social distancing and lockdowns were pointless because they came to too late. We didn't "flattened the curve;" the curve looks exactly like a standard epidemic model.

  2. markm4:46 AM

    I've been expecting this. It's clear that this virus was spreading in Wuhan starting Dec 1, if not earlier, and thousands of people were taking international flights from Wuhan every month. Even if no one infected happened to come to the USA that early, there were plenty of chances for Americans to mingle with recent arrivals from Wuhan in Italy, etc., and bring the infection home. And with 50% or more of the carriers never developing symptoms, it would soon be too widespread to stop.
