Thursday, May 07, 2020

I very much hope there'll be a new sheriff in town

since the current one showed himself such an asshole.  And I wonder how much the county can get for that MRAP?

If nothing else, consider the Sheriff calling the deputies and saying "We're going to raid this place, get your gear on" and these asshats can't bother to put on their uniforms?


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    They can't get anything for the MRAP. It's part of a program with lots of strings attached. One of those strings is that the MRAP still technically belongs to the Federal government and can be re-possessed at any time. I doubt the county can afford new tires for it, so they probably only drive it a few times a year. There are no spare parts being manufactured for it other than through cannibalization and a few items that are common from other large vehicles, varying by manufacturer.

  2. Thought might be something like that. So hand it back to the .gov, and they won't have to worry about maintaining the thing anymore.

  3. Why show up to a protest armed, then surrender your arms?

  4. Pretty stupid for a sheriff to do this. Unless of course he has the vote locked up somehow. Are the elections in his county secure? Was this theater for some rabid constituents? Looks more like a photo op than a serious enforcement effort. Maybe trying to send the message "we're badder than you can hope to be" with milspec equipment they have no idea how to use.

  5. I'd imagine he had a moment of "We need to show those boys they have to do what they're told!" without thinking through the consequences of showing up that way and acting that way.

    And I imagine he's regretting it. A lot.

  6. It would be interesting to see a comparison of the actions of incumbents up for reelection this year and those who don't face the voters this cycle. Control for party affiliation and see who is the most arrogant or reactionary.
