Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Well said

Daughter made a point of asking why I referred to the Wuhan Flu as, well, the Wuhan Flu - are you trying to make a point?

Yes, that it’s the Wuhan Flu, and that’s what everyone called it until there was a general agreement amongst our chattering betters that we should call it COVID-19, as if we’d always used technical scientific terms instead of colloquial names based on origin, right or wrong. I used the term because it horrified people who seem to think that the term will make dumb-bubbas go cruisin’ around lookin’ for Asian people to beat up. I use the term because China would prefer that I not to. Want more?


  1. COVID19 is just an acronym for "China Originated Viral Infectious Disease #19".
    Is that better? Worse, or RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

  2. When it was MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, AKA Camel Flu, A Coronavirus. Oddly like the China-Originated-Viral Infectious Disease #19, symptoms may range from none, to mild, to severe. Typical symptoms include fever, cough, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. Significantly, and similarly to the current Chinkflu, the disease is typically more severe in those with other health problems
