Thursday, April 16, 2020

Seriously? (updated)

In Texas?

I wonder, if you turn in enough people do they give you a snazzy red armband to wear?

 Update: was informed in comments that the city has decided their "Please inform on your neighbor" app wasn't a good idea after all.


  1. Wylie Mike6:02 PM

    Frisco has gotten out of control. It's overrun with Californians and other invaders. This is the same city that started whining about people parking trucks in their own driveways.

  2. Thanks to Rick Perry we have an influx of liberals from other states.

  3. Thanks to Rick Perry we have an influx of liberals from other states.

  4. Overload it. When everyone is special, noone is.

  5. They shut it down. Evidently the people of Frisco were very, very not happy.

  6. Good that they shut it down, bad that the idiots thought it was a good idea.
    "... as I felt it was a good idea at the time..."
    Yeah, asking people to snitch on their neighbors is always a good idea, right? Jeez.

  7. Anonymous3:06 PM

    As previously stated on this blog, "examples need to be made".

    Maybe the Friscans will remember come November.

    I would differ that it's Perry's fault. My thought is more in the line of liberals fleeing but trying to replicate their self-made hell-holes.

  8. Same thing in other states as well: "I'm so glad to get out of California/Washington/Oregon! Hey, let's start trying to make this place more like the place we escaped from!"
