Thursday, April 23, 2020

Governor Howler has a moment of clarity

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that his stay-at-home order for the entirety of New York State was “probably not the best public health strategy.”
Gee, ya think MAYBE?
And how bad was the news he got that he's willing to admit this?

In other news, a piece on the clusterfuck, the experts and idiot politicians have made of our health-care system.

Another "Man-Caused Global Climate Change Is Melting The Glaciers!" type demonstrating they don't actually believe this crap.

Holy crap... "How dare you save our jobs!"

It's not 'bordering on', it IS unethical.  And bullshit.
Fortney challenged Democratic Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s lockdown orders as inconsistent, deeming some businesses essential over others. While government construction projects may continue Fortney points out, private contractors remain out of work.
“As I arrive to work at the courthouse, I see landscapers show up each day to install new landscape and maintain our flowerbeds,” Fortney wrote. “However, a father who owns a construction company and works alone while outdoors is not allowed to run his business to make a living to provide for his wife and children?”

“This contradiction is not okay and is bordering on unethical,” said Fortney.

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