Sunday, April 26, 2020

Don't you just love it when some idiot who depends on the 1st Amendment

wants it taken apart?

1 comment:

  1. markm6:25 AM

    Most remarkably, they praise China, which arrested researchers, destroyed samples, and lied that the virus was not transmissible between humans. While keeping the world un-warned, they closed their internal borders around Wuhan but allowed international flights to spread it to the rest of the world. And they're still lying, claiming that it is controlled with a few thousand dead, while ordering tens of thousands more cremation urns than normal. Apparently the Atlantic's editors have gone full retard, approving government secrecy that kills citizens and crashes the economy.

    If this came out of a bioweapons lab, the Chinese researchers were remarkably incompetent, creating a weapon without finding a vaccine or treatment, and then releasing it upon themselves first. (First rule of bioweapons research: any infectious disease you release _will_ come back against you, so _don't_ begin with a class of virus that mutates so fast vaccines soon become ineffective.) But wherever it came from, the Chinese government clearly decided to use it as a weapon against the rest of the world...
