Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Want to hear very polite and judicial words for "You people are damned liars"?

"There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications," Boasberg wrote.
"The frequency and seriousness of these errors in a case that, given its sensitive nature, had an unusually high level of review at both DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have called into question the reliability of the information proffered in other FBI applications," Boasberg wrote.
Not only "You're damned liars in this matter", but "You cannot be trusted on ANY matter you've been involved in.

Director Wray, who seems to think that setting up some new classes on "You must be more careful about lying to courts" will solve the matter, better get it through his head that either the people responsible need to be charged for the laws they broke, or their precious Bureau will never, ever be trusted again.


  1. Bureaucracies rarely ever can fix themselves from within. The judge's words need to be used to exert an external force for change within the FBI. Even if it means a wholesale house cleaning. And sometimes the best way to do that, if the structure (hey - I'm a firefighter!) is old, decrepit and dangerous, is to just burn it to the ground and rebuild.

  2. Fisa needs to go, the FBI needs to disbanded, the CIA needs to be disbanded. If all that happens, we may stay a free country. But after the internal damage odummer did, I doubt it.

  3. “A thousand truths do not mark a man as a truth-teller, but a single lie marks him as a damned liar....Lying to other people is your business, but I tell you this: once a man gets a reputation as a liar, he might as well be struck dumb, for people do not listen to the wind.” -- Robert A. Heinlein

    The question is whether this applies to institutions as well as to individuals. I feel it should, but we shall see.

    Apropos of which, does anyone else think it's just a wee bit suspicious that a hugely ballyhooed TV drama glamorizing the FBI hit the airwaves just as that agency's trustworthiness began to be generally called into question?


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