Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Some of the asshats running Virginia really seem to want the boogaloo

to kick off.
They want to shut down every gun range in the state that isn’t owned by the government. 
According to House Bill 567, any indoor shooting range would be prohibited by law – UNLESS it was inside of a building owned or leased by the state. 

And any business owners who decided to defy the law could be facing up to a $100,000 fine and potential additional civil penalties.
And the ones allowed to stay open will have to have complete records of whoever shoots there.  Because that registration won't happen voluntarily.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    So their proposed law refers to gun ranges, but what about those folks like that shoot on their own property?

  2. It definitely sucks, but looking at the actual bill text, it isn't that encompassing.


    The ban would NOT apply at ranges where fewer than 50 employees work in the building.

  3. "Some of the asshats running Virginia really seem to want the boogaloo
    to kick off."

    This. This doesn't feel 'organic', like one lefty nutjob just doing his thing. Virginia feels like an experiment underway.

    1. Arthur,
      I agree with you.
      It smells like some experiment, with C-ville, statues and history cleansing, and now this.

  4. The ban would not apply to places with fewer than 50... yet.

    But who has probably the largest indoor range in Virginia? The NRA. Which has more than 50 employees.

    Then there are the security companies and military contractor companies, which have over 50 employees.

    Then there's the issue of Club memberships... Are club owners/members considered employees of the club? Maybe not now, but this is truly a camel-nose under the tent issue.

  5. There're strong suspicions that some of this is "Let's lay out what we'd REALLY like, then back off and claim we're compromising by only getting part of it. For now."

    Which would surprise me not at all.

    It also wouldn't surprise me to find out that the 'threats of violence to NG and cops' are bullshit. Leftists loves them some fake death threats.
