Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Meanwhile, in the place where Great Britain used to be,

An Asian grooming gang was free to roam the streets and abuse young girls because police officers were told to “find other ethnicities” to investigate, a detective has claimed.

At least 57 young girls are thought to have been exploited by a paedophile network of around 100 suspected perpetrators based in south Manchester in the 2000s. The gang, mainly comprised of Asian men, hooked their victims on drugs, groomed, and sexually abused them. One girl, aged 15, died after being injected with heroin by a 50-year-old man.

Following a two-year inquiry, commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham, into the historic failings of police and social workers, a report was published today which concluded that vulnerable girls in care were groomed and abused in "plain sight".
This is what happens when "PC At Any Cost" is the working mindset of your government.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Looks like they’re back to child sacrifices to appease their monsters.
