Friday, January 03, 2020

Ah, the Evil Party...

 You may have heard that the President ordered an airstrike that took out Iran's Quds force leader and #1 Asshole in the region, along with some other terrorists, in Iraq.

This is after, when our Embassy was attacked, not only was it held by the Marines, but they got reinforcements without anyone having to beg for them.*

 Enter Sen. Chris Murphy(EP-CT)
That was when the embassy was attacked.

Then came the airstrike, and Murphy is horrified
Because whacking one of the biggest terrorists in the Mid-East, who was in a country he had no legitimate business being, who'd undoubtedly been involved in the embassy attack, is a Bad Thing to Evil Party idiots.

Ran across this on Bookface, seems to sum it up nicely:
Trump has held back as Iran provoked. He pulled back on an attack because he didn't want collateral damage. For that, the Democrats implied his foreign policy toward Iran was weak and he was a coward. Fast forward to yesterday where he authorized a focused, limited, tactical strike against two car loads of Iran and Hezbollah's military leadership (who had no business in Iraq to begin with) with no collateral damage and now Democrats are calling him a warmonger.

You couldn't make this crap up if you wanted to. It's just too ridiculous for fiction, so it must be true.

*I suspect that, under this President, if it had come down to the Marines having to use lethal force, the 'protesters' would've gone back a lot faster than they came.  The ones still able to move, at least.


  1. If Murphy ever encountered a clue he would stare at it like an ape would stare at an anvil.
    Does this douche have any synapses that actually connect?

  2. Real War with Iran? a fist pass answer is are you kidding? Itt'l be business as usual with a heightened alert state and maybe a couple of showy attacks. Iran will attack what it can America will attack what it finds. There is a distinct difference and Iran just doesn't have the resources to defend against the kinds of remote attacks we can mount. They are operating under a severe handicap trying to hide their involvement and their open forces are far to light-weight. Same shit different day but today we're in a different place politically and just to gild the lily cutting off middle east oil wouldn't hurt us at all.
