Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ways in which the present/future is not stupid:

Thirty years ago my great-Grandmother broke her hip. Got good care, but spent the rest of her life in a chair.

Four days ago my mother fell and broke her hip. The next day had surgery.

Day after that moved to rehab, first mild session of PT.

Day after that first full PT, and can use a walker to get to the bathroom and back.

She'll walk out of the hospital(possibly with a walker, but walk), and should get back to her normal mobility with some work.


  1. I hope your Mom gets well soon. Like your blog. Merry Christmas.

  2. Sorry to hear about your mother. I work in the medical field; and yep, the sooner you get active the shorter your recovery time. That old saw, "you need the rest, stay in bed" is wrong, wrong, wrong.


  3. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Yay medical progress! What a great Christmas present for your family!


  4. im 83 and broke my hip in 11/29 i am home now and getting about with a walker and patience. i will probably always walk a little crookedly but i walk. modern medicine is miraculous.

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Apr of 17 Ma had a mild stroke and we did rehab got almost all mobility back. That October she fell broke Rt hip had 3pins put in again we did intense rehab and kept pushing her limits soon back up without a walker. February of 19 the winter got her other side but I helped work with pt and got her back up moving again. She had a bit of pneumonia starting in her left lung so we listened to medical advice and took her for overnight IV antibiotics, turned into a week and they wouldn’t let her out of bed. It only took those few days for the doctors to make her bed bound. We were told best place for her was a nursing home she’d have a week for us to say goodbye. Again I fought for her got her home. This time it’s been a lot harder for rehab but I learned enough to help her. They won’t send any pt so I’m on my own. Idk if I’ll be able to get her to walk again but she’s working hard to get something and with help can manage a few steps with help in weight bearing. In closing my last thought is I was told dead before end of September, we did just celebrate Christmas together. Don’t give up and fight the good fight my friend

  6. As the others have said, if your mother isn't complaining to you in private about how hard the rehab is they should probably work her harder. My mom never recovered the use of her one side because she was 'old' and no one wanted to push her. Later therapists asked hard questions about her care after the stroke. They said she should certainly have recovered far more movement.
