Friday, December 27, 2019

So Californicated, despite warnings, made another stupid law

Now it's hurting people(as they were warned it would), and the idiots are wondering why.

The morons who were cheering it on, like the socialist asshats at Vox?
AB5 "makes it impossible for us to continue with our current California team site structure because it restricts contractors from producing more than 35 written content 'submissions' per year," explained SB Nation's John Ness.

Vox Media's flagship publication, Vox, previously called the California legislation "a victory for workers everywhere."
Sure.  That's why you're doing this:
Instead, the company decided to cancel the contracts of some 200 or so freelancers that now work for SB Nation. It will "replace them with 20 new part-time and full-time staffers," a "source familiar with the decision" told the Los Angeles Times.

From the fucking idiot who wrote this piece of garbage:
Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), the architect of AB5, has heard these stories. "I'm sure some legit freelancers lost substantial income," she tweeted in the wake of Vox's announcement, "and I empathize with that especially this time of year. But Vox is a vulture." 

"These were never good jobs," Gonzalez said earlier this month. "No one has ever suggested that, even freelancers."
Sounds a lot like
"You said I could keep the insurance I had!"
"Stop complaining, that was substandard insurance."
"It was great for me!  You lied!"
"No, it's bad insurance, you'll be happier forced into Obamacare."
doesn't it?

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