Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Watched some shots with .300 Blackout the other day

using 110-grain Hornady bullets over 19.0 W296.  He was zeroed 2.5" high at 100, and that put them dead-on at 200.  So for various purposes should need no compensation out to, I'd guess 250.  Probably have dropped a fair bit at 300.

I was trying some black powder loads in .45-70, but light was such I had problems at 200.  I'd really like to figure a way to mount a scope on the thing for load testing without drilling and tapping holes.


  1. Try 3M VHB tape. It was developed to hold 737's together. Holds on like grim death but can be removed.

  2. You ever use Hornady's ballistic calculator?!/

  3. Mel, no I haven't, I'll have to take a look.

    Spin, I'll take a look. No idea if it'd work for the purpose, but sounds interesting

  4. Sarthurk5:37 PM

    Hose clamps always worked for me! . . . . Naw, just kidding. But I did buy an '03 A3 for 75 bucks that the stock was cut off just in front of the barrel band, with a hose clamp on the barrel band , , ???. The stock was soaked in cosmoline, hence the low price. But I couldn't afford a composite or wood replacement, so I restored what what I had to work with. Rounded off the previously squared off fore end, and Put a good finish on it, and the dang wood actually has some figure. The gun was poorly tapped for scope mounts. I cleaned that mess up, and put plugs in the holes. It had no rear site. I stumbled onto a rear site about a month later. Same town, Hmmm? there could be a link there. Put the original "style" not sure if it was an original one, back on. Considering all the other damage, the exterior and interior of the rifle were in excellent condition. I can shoot this thing better offhand, with the standard sights at the silhouette range, than I can with my Belgium Browning 7mm rem Mag with a Luepold 3x9 scope. I grew up on peep sights with a Mossberg M46 with peep sights.

    What were we talking about?

  5. Have seen mounts that were built to clamp around the barrel,they removed the forend and were shooting off of bags. Also the same person had a similar mount on a Ruger 45 colt that would shoot 1 inch groups (at times when he held his mouth right)at 100yds. Custom built pistol,5.5in barrel.

  6. Sarthurk, It was about a scope on a Sharps, but it moved on along.

    Danny, I've seen one like that, though I don't know how it'd work on a Sharps. I'll have to do some checking.

    Mel, looks like that guy's load would be a few inches low at 250, and about 16" low at 300. Which, for the cartridge, is right in the envelope expected. While back I saw a guy shooting a bolt rifle in that cartridge with a can... a man can dream, can't he?

  7. if your stick has a rear sight leaf, you can get a scout scope mount to replace the Mauser style rear leaf.......

    As regards .300 Blackout, I use 1680 for subsonic loads, and I second using the Hornady site for ballistic dope- it works with everything from CCI Target .22 bullets out to 500 yards, all the way up to .50 BMG to 1800 yards, and a wide range of calibers in between.
