Thursday, October 17, 2019

'Extinction Rebellion', eh? You first,

you effing clowns.

Finally one of these idiots gets dragged off a train, though he got off lightly. 
Before long the reaction to some idiot gluing himself to a train is going to be 'full speed ahead, if the glue's good he won't fall off, and if he does, who cares?"  Or "Awright, you big lads grab the legs and start pulling, we'll see if the glue or the skin gives way first."

A hastily-deleted tweet comparing themselves to icon of the nonviolent black civil rights movement, Rosa Parks, was also met with opprobrium from social media users.
Well, gee, no shit?

The real winner:
The group's leaders have called off a planned protest at Gatwick airport 'in light of' the response to the Tube disruption and a spokesman said the group would 'take stock' before disrupting the Underground any further.
 Translation: "We do this again and someone's going to seriously put the boot in, they're sick of us."

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to me that the Brits are evidently MUCH less tolerant of these Extinction Rebellion idiots than we evidently are of the much more vicious and violent Antifa crowd. So far...

    It's the old "bully on the playground" issue - the ONLY way to get a bully (whether an individual or a mob) to stop is to fight back - no mercy, no remorse.
