Friday, September 06, 2019

Messing and McCormack are backtracking something fierce,

including some pretend apologies, after getting kicked back at hard by a lot of people.  Guess they figured they were immune to blowback.

From another actor:
"Let me just say I’m embarrassed for both of them because I know them both, I’ve worked with Debra before. They’re both smart people... they do wonderful work,” he explained. “But, they’re pushing a case that falls apart from the sheer weight of its lunacy, as though the Hollywood community needs to be purged of this social and intellectual hygiene problem called conservative thinking. It underscores the fact that we aren’t receptive to a diversity of thought which is the exact opposite of what you feel the liberal way would be, and I find that obscene."
It is.  These people have become so used to being in the echo chamber of Hollyweird that it's a real nasty surprise to have people telling them "Are you out of your damned mind?"

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I was sort of surprised at the back lash against these two by the rather large number of other Hollywood elite. Even Whoopi Goldberg and others stepped up and called them out for calling for what is in effect a black list, akin to that of the McCarthy era.
    This actor's statement here is one of the stronger ones I have seen, but while this is refreshing, I don't think in any way that it is going to change things or how the liberal entertainment industry will think. It may change what they say out loud, at least for a time, but that will probably be about it.
    It is sad, too, because it is the exact thing that we should all feel. I truly believe that it takes people of every opinion for our nation to truly be as powerful as it needs to be. We have seen what happens when a nation allows no opinion save that of the tyrants in power. And I don't think that anyone wants to live in a country like that. America rejected that sort of thing back in 1776. And we are better than that. We just need to be reminded of it.
