Monday, September 23, 2019

(formerly Great)Britain, is there a shortage of tall trees?

Or lampposts or rope for dealing with the people behind this?
Children as young as six are being taught about touching or ‘stimulating’ their own genitals as part of classes that will become compulsory in hundreds of primary schools. 

Some parents believe the lessons – part of a controversial new sex and relationships teaching programme called All About Me – are ‘sexualising’ their young children.
You're damn right it is.  Brought to you by the same 'progressives' who think your kids belong to the State.

Even politicians who had supported the RSE legislation expressed concern. Tory MP David Davies said: ‘I and many other parents would be furious at completely inappropriate sexual matters being taught to children as young as six. These classes go way beyond the guidance the Government is producing and are effectively sexualising very young children.’
Davies, if you've seen what your idiots in charge of education have been doing for years and yet thought they wouldn't go 'beyond the guidance', you're a fool.  And likely one of the people who needs introduction to the aforementioned rope.

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