Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Another piece of idiocy from where Great Britain used to be

Church leaders in the Diocese of Rochester have called for the government to enforce stricter rules on the sale of domestic knives. 

They’ve written an open letter asking for a ban on the sale of pointed kitchen knives. The letter was also signed by leading crime experts, as well as MPs, and community leaders.
Part of the reason for this?
The letter endorses research, highlighted at the conference, which explains that points on domestic knives are historic and no-longer necessary.

"Historically we needed a point on the end of our knife to pick up food because forks weren’t invented. Now we only need the point to open packets when we can’t be bothered to find the scissors," the letter reads.
Well, how about that?  I never knew that those points on kitchen knives were useless once forks came around!  All those places where I use them, well, I should've been getting scissors!

One more time, you morons: You don't have a 'things' problem, you have a people problem.  And until you deal with that, you can ban EVERYTHING and it'll just keep getting worse.


  1. Is this article, and it's website, satire like the "Babylon Bee"?
    Please say so!

  2. No, it's real.

    In all its idiotic glory
