Thursday, September 05, 2019

About those bastards with special protection

who hate the idea of the commoners protecting themselves, from a post at Fecesbook by Matthew,
Ocasio-Cortez got into a twitter-feud with Dan Crenshaw over background checks.

"Why are you 'lending' guns to people unsupervised who can't pass a basic background check?" she asked. "... Why on earth would you do that?"

She further stated that this is how "abusers" can get ahold of guns.

So having worked, literally a countless number of stalking and adult abuse situations for the better part of twenty-five years, the last thing women need in an emergency situation where they desperately need to be able to borrow a firearm for personal protection is the fucking federal government.
Go talk to women who have survived rape.
Go talk to women who have been stalked.
Go talk to women who live in fear of being killed by an ex-husband or abusive ex-boyfriend.
Because I have.

And every one, every-single, damn one of them, regardless of how they vote ask me the same thing, "where can I get a gun?, Where can I get training?, can someone loan me a gun, until....until I can SAVE up money to buy one?"

These sons of bitches who work in Washington and are safe guarded every single damn day by sub-machine guns have the fucking audacity to deny people who may not have affordable access to personal protection and literally need to borrow a pistol, or shotgun so they aren't killed by some asshole looking to terrorize, rape and kill them.

Gun control is rooted in racism, and while I understand some of you think it's going to solve something, it's not.
There's more, and it's all gold.  If you're on said Fecesbook, it's located here.

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