Friday, August 30, 2019

Why we call it the Dark & Fascist State of New Jersey:

“I don’t talk to fucking Jews,” Dye told the New Jersey Globe during a very brief telephone interview. “Get the fuck out of here.”

Dye was fired from his job with the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development last week after the Globe reported that he had made anti-Semitic and anti-Latino comments on his personal Facebook page.

The president of the NAACP New Jersey Conference, Richard T. Smith, told the Globe that no decision has been made about Dye’s future.
'No decision' probably means "Can we talk him into leaving so we don't have to throw him out?"

And you know that if Dye had a 'R' in his political affiliation, these same people would be screaming for him to be thrown out.

You really need to read his explanation; it makes this all so much better.


  1. Does he talk to Jews when they're not fucking? I try not to talk to anyone when they're doing that. They generally resent the intrusion.
    It amazes me that anyone would make such an ignorant, inflammatory statement about any ethnic, racial, or national group today. It's almost as if he didn't take Dr. King's dream to heart, like most of the rest of us have.

  2. They seem to have gone with "The content of your character doesn't count, it's the skin color that does."
