Saturday, August 31, 2019

'Higher' Education at Evergreen

Stick through all of that and you’ll get to the student shouting, “You need to stop demanding that everybody use logic and reasons and white forms of knowledge to f**king prove yourself to the world.”

I’m certain that this argument is not winning over a world full of black engineers and scientists, but I worry that this nonsense is winning over a lot of college students who don’t yet know enough to realize how silly it sounds.
'Silly' isn't the word; better choices would've been 'idiotic', 'stupid', or 'insane'.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with attracting a revolutionary student body is that they end up re-enacting the "Reign of Terror" as the revolution can never be over as there is always one more thought criminal to purge from the ranks of the pure.

    And I write this as an Evergreen graduate.
