Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From the craphole where Great Britain used to be

On Friday morning, the UK’s Essex Police Department shared a photograph of an “Only Cowards Carry” Knife Bin on Facebook (shown below), where nearby residents are urged to deposit their knives in the name of combating knife crime.

Late Friday evening, KnifeNews shared the post via our Facebook and Instagram pages. The post disappeared on Facebook after it generated hundreds of angry reactions and comments criticizing the absurdity of the bins and the notion that only cowards carry pocket knives. It’s unclear exactly when Essex Police deleted their original post, but it was still visible on KnifeNews’ Facebook page as late as Saturday afternoon.
Apparently being told they're a bunch of hoplophobic control freaks and idiots scared of a basic tool didn't go over well.

But wait!  Being (formerly Great)Britain, there's MORE!
But they didn’t stop there. Apparently, a representative of Only Cowards Carry, the organization backed by local police and that administers the bin program, is not satisfied just collecting pocket knives. They are now urging citizens to surrender their kitchen knives as well. “I urge everybody to keep an eye on what they have in their kitchen and dispose of it properly,” they say.
Holy effing shit. 

Because nobody ever needs a knife in the kitchen.  Or something.

Britain has become that place you cannot parody, because they take care of that themselves.

1 comment:

  1. markm8:21 AM

    Archaeologists distinguish early human sites mainly by the tools they find - usually sharp chips of rock. But the critters now running formerly Great Britain have given up tool-using.
