Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Why are gun bigots such racists?

"It's a white male with an assault rifle, has to be!"



  1. markm6:40 AM

    Statistics definitely show a cultural difference between blacks and whites in regards to murders. Blacks are far more likely to settle a particular grievance by killing someone they know. But someone _in the USA_ who bottles up the rage until he is so angry at the whole world as to make and execute a plan to shoot many random strangers is usually a white male. I cannot think of a previous case like this that was not a white male - except for things like shooting a half-dozen people in a crack house...

  2. Beltway sniper for one. That guy who shot up the Navy Yard for another. They're out there, but- for some reason...- they don't get the publicity like white shooters do
