Tuesday, November 27, 2018

There has been light bloggage for a while,

and that'll probably continue for a bit.

Dad had an accident at home and really tore up his knees.  Had to have surgery, which went well, and he's in braces to prevent his legs from bending while things heal.  Lots of PT now, and more to come.  And since he's in a med facility, there have been things Mom needed a hand with, so trips to do that.

Throw in that I seem to have contracted some form of plague(not flu), and some long days at work, and I'm knackered.  And since I really don't want to be out in the wind right now, I had to turn down an invitation to see if I could whack Bambi.

Things should ease off as time goes by, but posting will be a bit hit & miss.


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Family first. We'll talk amongst ourselves until you return.

  2. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Well, all of that sucks. My condolences for your situation, but it is all temporary (hopefully). Feel better and don't worry about the blog - it will be here when you are better up to it.
