Monday, November 12, 2018

There are reasons we started calling them bird cuisinarts

A study of wind farms in India found that predatory bird numbers drop by three quarters in areas around the turbines.

This is having a 'ripple effect' across the food chain, with small mammals and reptiles adjusting their behaviour as their natural predators disappear from the skies.

Birds and bats were assumed to be most vulnerable to the rise of the landscape-blotting machines.

But their impact is reverberating across species, experts warned, upsetting nature's delicate balance.
But that's a small price to pay for green energy, right?

Personally, I think the retraining of CPS personnel should include viewing the hanging of the personnel involved in this.
The judge found CPS case worker Levar Jones and his supervisor Niesha Edwards lied in order to take Michael and Melissa Bright's 2-year-old daughter and 5-month-old son away from them.

"And the fact that CPS still has those two people employed is disgusting," said attorney Stephanie Proffitt.
The Brights' 2-year-old daughter ended up being abused in foster care.

"We've got a little girl with a black eye and basically an acidic burn in her diaper area," Proffitt said. "She didn't even make it to foster care until 10 or 11 o'clock at night and by the next morning all of these things had already happened to her."

Oh, gee, another fake hate crime

"If you question what we're doing with this election, you're a racist!"
Standard leftist club deployed once again.

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