Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Professional Journalism

A reporter for a Michigan newspaper called Michigan Senate Republican candidate John James’s campaign looking for an interview and thought she hung up the phone before leaving a voicemail saying “fucking John James … that would suck.”
“Man, if he beats her… Jesus! Fucking John James. That would suck! Whew I don’t think it’s going to happen though,” Battel continued.

Yeah, because .gov programs are SO efficient and affordable...
Jorge Ramos then asked specifically about several of her proposals. “Medicare for all, is it too expensive?” Ramos asked.

“No, people often say, like, how are you going to pay for it and I find the question so puzzling because ‘How do you pay for something that’s more affordable? How do you pay for cheaper rent?’ You just pay for it. We’re paying more now.”
Remember, this socialist clown actually BELIEVES this.

Lots of teenagers are starting to take Mike Rowe's advice and look into the skilled trades.  This is go- no, this is excellent.  Not winding up to their eyebrows in debt while starting their life, actually DOING things and getting some work experience.

And, if they decide to go to college later, it'll be with all that behind them; they'll probably make a lot better choices about what field, and get a lot more out of it.


  1. Phssthpok9:12 AM

    "And, if they decide to go to college later, it'll be with all that behind them; they'll probably make a lot better choices about what field, get a lot more out of it, and have some real-world life experience with which to see through all the liberal (bovine excrement) their instructors try to shovel"

    Fixed that for you!


  2. Yeah, should've added that; having had big chunks taken out of their paycheck to fund a lot of the crap just might have an effect.

  3. favill2:01 PM

    You hit it right on the nose, Firehand. When a person earns his/her money the old-fashioned way by putting in the 8 or 10 or 12 hours a day working for it...then sees how much of it stolen (I mean "taxed"), it is demoralizing.

  4. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Completely agree with Rowe comments about learning a trade having serious advantages over going to college immediately. Many graduate from college and are already in debt before they marry, purchase a home. The sad thing is no one gave them any warning - they became slaves by signing on the dotted line before they knew what they were getting into.
