Friday, November 16, 2018

It's good the little bastard is paying a price,

but I still think the officer who fired the shot should pay one as well.

When Bob Woodward says you're unhinged about Trump, CNN & Co. ought to pay attention.

They won't, but they should.

Speaking of people who ought to pay a price, Sevier County Assistant District Attorney General Ron Newcomb ought to be thrown the hell out of that office for this.  Best I can tell he's trying to protect the police department from consequences for having this idiot on the force, and for this part
Mullinax and Cody spent 42 days in jail on felony aggravated assault charges filed against them by SCSO and directly accusing them of causing Johnson’s panic attack.

The couple were held without a preliminary hearing for weeks. The law requires such a hearing for jailed suspects within 10 business days of arrest. A judge later tossed out the felony charges, but sent the case to a Sevier County grand jury review.
this bastard ought to be disbarred as well.  And face civil and criminal charges.

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