Thursday, October 04, 2018

Well, New Zealand is off my list of 'places I'd like to go'

New Zealand's Customs and Excise Act 2018 went into effect today. That means travelers who refuse to give their phone or laptop password to customs officials will be fined NZ$5000. In addition, their devices will be confiscated and forensically searched.
Because 'fighting crime'
Customs Minister Kris Faafoi said these digital strip searches are necessary because "A lot of the organised crime groups are becoming a lot more sophisticated in the ways they're trying to get things across the border. And if we do think they're up to that kind of business, then getting intelligence from smartphones and computers can be useful for a prosecution."
So, of course, they want to search the phones and laptops of EVERYONE.  And if you object, you're a criminal.

Screw you, NZ.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. I'll pass too. No NZ for me. Too bad, cause it's a beatiful place. Libtards are ruining everything.
