Monday, October 22, 2018

Threatened the wrong old couple, Sparky

And, amazingly for (formerly Great)Britain, the good guy isn't facing jail.

Speaking of Britain and the NHS the left so desperately wants here:
NHS waiting list is the longest for 11 YEARS with 4.15million patients now waiting for routine treatment as experts warn Britain is heading for ANOTHER winter crisis

Vulnerable elderly people may not be protected from flu until Christmas because of the 'cack-handed' organisation of a national vaccination campaign. 

Pharmacists warned last night that lives will be lost as a result if flu hits Britain earlier than usual.
But don't worry, it'll run GREAT if they do it over here...

1 comment:

  1. Red Pill Wisdom10:04 AM

    "...don't worry, it will run great if they do it over here."

    Isn't it incredible how the Leftists, Socialists, Communists, et. al., keep repeating that that same old line?
    As if wishing it so would make it true...

    If the Soviet Union couldn't make Communism work (at the cost of millions of lives, millions in treasure, and decades wasted), who possibly could?
