Thursday, September 27, 2018

We now have "I hate to fly because claustrophobic from the attack

thirty-something years ago", but she flies regularly.

"I didn't know the committee offered to fly to see me." 

"Did you pay for the polygraph?"
"I'm not sure."
"Who did?"
"I don't know."

And on.  And on. 

Let's move to the latest accuser with the 'rape parties', borrowing from Williamson:
So, why haven't we heard from the dozens, hundreds? of other victims of this rape gang? 

None of them reported it at the time, and none are coming out now?

Why did none of them get an STD or pregnant? Did every member of the gang use condoms properly every time?
Throw in "You were a college student, yet you attended high school parties where you found drugging and raping were going on, yet you never reported this to anyone, you not only kept going to the parties but EVEN AFTER YOU WERE RAPED you kept going?"

There is so much low-grade bullshit flying around... you couldn't even use this stuff for fertilizer, it'd poison the crops.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    She's a lieing political hack. Her story has huge holes in it. Why is it all the accuser are far left never trumpers with ties to soros. Was Kavanaugh able to see the future? Did he know who would have future credibility issues?


  2. Holy shit, dude, you spoke too soon.

    After this rage opening from K, I don't think anyone is going to try him again. I predict (note the time, still in his opening) they aren't even going to hit him hard from the D side.

    He's won. Justice Kavenaugh.

  3. unfortunately, if you want to believer Ford, she came across very believable.
    if you were paying attention, perjured herself several times.
    I have trouble flying …. unless i'm going on vacation, then i'm a world traveler
    between the day I wrote the letter and the day I spoke to my congressperson, I talked to no one about this....except the people who advised me to get a lawyer.
    I wanted the committee to come to me to be interviewed, but they refused....I must have misunderstood what their offer to come to me meant

    I didn't see all of her "testimony" so i'm sure there was more.

  4. has anyone else noted that ford had TWO lawyers by her side, advising her and shepherding her thru the questioning, and Kavanaugh is by himself??
    doesn't this speak volumes for each??

  5. Ford had TWO lawyers beside her advising and shepherding her thru the hearing.
    Kavanaugh goes it alone.
    this speaks VOLUMES of each

  6. Those weren't "gang rapes....they were orgies. And that college chick swetnick; she was their dope supplier.....just you wait, you'll see....I'm gonna be right in about 2 weeks!!!


  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    hah, already seeing ' he is whinny...... she is so believable...' comments from sh..libs. Thomas

  8. I caught several of "Dr" Ford's inconsistencies. She is a libtard hack.

    I agree with Steve Schultz regarding the Swetnick chick, those ten or more parties were not gang rapes, but gang bangs.
