Saturday, September 08, 2018

That officer in Minneapolis who killed a woman because 'startled'

or whatever the current excuse is?
KARE reports that Hennepin County prosecutors filed documents revealing Noor was flagged by two psychiatrists during a pre-hiring evaluation in early 2015. They said he seemed unable to handle the stress of regular police work and exhibited an unwillingness to deal with people. In fact, the documents quote evaluators saying Noor “reported disliking people and being around them… his self-reported disinterest in interaction with other people is very uncommon among other police officer candidates.”
Elsewhere in the filings, prosecutors also included a series of incidents they believe underline Noor’s lack of fitness to be a police officer. During a routine traffic stop on May 18 of 2017, Squad car video shows Noor approaching the vehicle and pointing his gun directly at the driver’s head. That man was later issued a citation for failure to signal. On April 8, 2016 a Field Training Officer (FTO) who was working with Noor reported his reluctance to take calls, preferring to drive around in circles ignoring calls when he could have self-assigned himself to respond. The FTO noted that the calls were simple ones, like a road hazard and a suspicious vehicle.
But the department put him out there.  And he killed an innocent.  I'd really like to know what idiocy was behind that decision.


  1. Red Pill Wisdom10:32 AM

    "...I'd really like to know what idiocy was behind that decision."

    You know as well as I do: it was Political Correctness run amok, simply because the Minneapolis city government wanted to show how "tolerant" they were by having a MUSLIM police officer AT ANY COST...even the cost of someone else's life.
    The Leftist bureaucratic idiots who forced his hiring should immediately be fired WITHOUT any benefits whatsoever, because their reckless and dangerous political decision cost an innocent woman her life.

  2. + 10 for Red Pill's comment.

  3. "...idiots... fired WITHOUT..." Not fired, fired on - preferably by some of their beloved Somalis. With lick, somewhere in the city they will be.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The answer is the leftist bullcrap artists from the top down. Starting with the Magic Negro and the city idiots in Minneapolis.

    From Dec. 2017,

    Mr. McDaniels has been following this case the whole time.

  5. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Who stops someone for not using a turn signal? That's the most chickenxxxx I can think of. I would've had to be bored out of my mind at 2:00 A.M. on a Wedensday morning and really just wanted someone to talk to.But hey he punched a bunch of diversity buttons that is a win for any leftist. The victim, well she was white so she was obviously a racist.


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