Thursday, September 06, 2018

Self-defense stuff

They're old, but they still work.
Also under the heading of "ANY gun beats no gun"

Yeah, went through this twice after surgeries when my strong hand was out of service.  Some prior practice with your weak hand really helps confidence.

Also: Another thing these videos make apparent is that if the good guy is caught in a reactive situation, anything they have in their support hand at the start is going to stay there. People tend to hold onto things when they’re surprised, to the point of shooting one-handed.
I've caught myself looking at a potential situation, while carrying a expensive motorcycle helmet in one hand, and wondering how fast I could put it down so it wouldn't be damaged instead of just preparing to drop it, no matter the surface.  Bad mindset.


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    If you DO have something in your gun hand (it happens), make sure it is something you can throw underhand, an expensive motorcycle helmet 'might' make a sufficient dent in the bad guy that shooting becomes unnecessary. If nothing else it will act as a distraction giving you time to create distance and/or draw your CCW.

  2. I always have played out in my mind walking out of a Walmart, carrying a couple of bags, always in my left hand, mind you. When accosted, making sure that my mindset is to first drop everything in my hands and then continue to draw my weapon with my strong hand.
    I know that I might over think things sometimes, but it is at a Walmart in the dark that I figure that I am in the most danger, here in my area. And I always carry my items in my left hand, leaving my keys in my right hand, which I would drop and use for my gun if needed.


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