Monday, September 17, 2018

On the Kavanaugh show,

So: Feinstein has apparently had the accusation for months, waited till NOW to bring it up and then with an anonymous accuser.  Despite all the previous background investigations which turned up nothing from anyone.

Now we get these two:
She admits she doesn’t remember key details like exactly when the incident occurred or where specifically, and she says the first time she told anyone about it was when she was in couples counseling with her husband in 2012 — 30-some years after the night in question, but the woman at the center of the decades-old allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has now come forward.
Ford said the schoolmate jumped on top of them, which somehow allowed her to escape. She said she locked herself in a bathroom and left the house and told no one about any of this for 30 years — and even then when she was in couples therapy. Even then, she didn’t say it was Kavanaugh, just boys from a nearby high school who were now “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes also say four boys attacked her — but Ford insists this was the therapist’s mistake. She says there were four boys at the party but only two carried out this alleged assault.

And just to add to the mess,
Turns out that Brett Kavanaugh’s mother was the judge in in a 1996 home-foreclosure case in which the defendants were the parents of Kavanaugh’s last-minute attempted-rape accuser Christine Blasey Ford. The house in question, pictured above, is in Potomac, one of the highest-income towns in Montgomery County, Maryland, the Washington, D.C. suburb that is one of America’s highest-income residential areas.

Feinstein is a corrupt, hypocritical asshat politician of the first water, and now she does this.

At this point I want Kavanaugh confirmed just to listen to the anguished howling of the leftists.

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