Wednesday, September 12, 2018

From Madam Hoyt on communist malefactors and idiots*

...If you meet a convinced communist and he’s obviously not stupid, then he’s malicious. His greed for power over others is such that he’s convinced himself he’s using an “altruistic” philosophy to attain it, and it will, in the end, be for the good of all. The rational, sane part of him might whisper that this is bullshit, because it can never happen, and therefore all they get is power to destroy those they hate and elevate those they like for a time at least, but that rational sane voice is tiny, and the monstrous ego that believes if everyone understood Marxism as the communist does and played its part in the mental play written according to the Marxist exegesis of the communist, then there would be utopia.

It’s a powerful siren song for the maleducted and ambitious, which explains for instance, Obama, who hated Reagan for causing the fall of the USSR and wanted to undo everything Reagan did, because without Reagan’s intervention, we’d already have achieved utopia.
The only way to make everyone act the way some ideologue thinks they should is to have a totalitarian government, a strong police state, a structure of spying on every action, every thought, every idea.

What those utopians are saying is that they want everyone to live in what’s a perfect society FOR THEM.  In other words, they want power over your very soul.
I say it’s spinach, and I say to hell with it.

There is no utopia.  Some people will be miserable in the wealthiest, cleanest, most considerate society ever.  This is also not a conjecture.  They are.  And they scream about patriarchy and oppression and white supremacy that exist only in their heads.

*Yes yes, I know I'm repeating myself

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, "Utopia", written in 1516 by Sir Thomas More, describes a happy land of thrifty, hardworking souls who spend their off hours reading and engaging in pursuits by which to better themselves. All the while relying on slave labor to perform the degrading and menial taskss that might in some manner corrupt, defile, or degrade them should they perform such labor themselves.



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