Friday, August 31, 2018

And the Oklahoma governor's election just got worse

The Evil Party candidate just showed what kind of Democrat he is; the Feinstein kind.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Drew Edmondson said Tuesday that the state requirements for carrying a handgun should also apply to purchasing some semi-automatic rifles, a change that would prevent teenagers from buying so-called assault weapons.
For 'some' read "The definition will change so as to cover everything possible".  Also, he wants to make you spend about $175* to be allowed to buy a EBR.  Or anything else he decides to call an 'assault weapon'.  Or, perhaps he'll be generous and allow you to 'only' have to pay $100 to OSBI for the background check instead of going through the class and fingerprinting. 

He'll probably insist on the fingerprinting; after all, he wants a list of who owns them, and what's better than a list with fingerprints?

Edmondson said his proposal would apply the same definition for assault weapons as was in the national ban that expired in 2004.
Which even its backers have admitted did squat to stop crime and was primarily to get people used to the idea of guns being banned because 'evil name and appearance'.  And which could be gotten around by changing the cosmetics.  Yeah, that's a plan.

I wasn't wild about him on the general basis of 'I don't like political dynasties'(his father was governor once), but this ties it down.  Screw him.

*By the time you cover the class, the fingerprinting, and the background check through OSBI.

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