Sunday, July 01, 2018

Madam, you may not want it to be a political issue,

but it damn sure is.
“This is not a political issue. I am a proud, proud progressive, and that’s part of the reason I love Minneapolis. All we’re talking about is basic arithmetic. The arithmetic doesn’t work. People will not continue to go to budget-conscious restaurants when they’re no longer budget-conscious.”
I'm reminded of the bookstore owner in San Francisco who was closing because of the mandated wage hikes; people kept telling him "I voted for this, but I didn't know it would hit YOU!"  Which tells you two things:
They're idiots.
And they're idiots who, if they could, would target these 'living wage' hikes to only hit some businesses.

Not all journalists are idiots.
A former CNN producer said on Friday the words that many of his colleagues in the mainstream news media won’t dare utter: The cable network’s White House correspondent is giving journalists a bad name. 

“On a day journalists could honor the memory of fellow reporters tragically killed due to a deranged person with a vendetta going back years, Acosta tries to shift the blame to Trump, thus validating many Americans’ feelings about the Acela Media (that existed long before Trump),” tweeted Steve Krakauer.

"How dare you ask us to get off your property, we're protesters!  We'll put on some rap for you, black woman, maybe that'll shut you up."
Wonderful people, aren't they?

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