Friday, June 01, 2018

Remember Wasserman Schultz insisting this case was about 'islamophobia'?

Embattled former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan has as recently as weeks ago attempted to get someone to create an LLC to hide the ownership of real estate, and two people to buy a $40,000 gold bar for him, sources told The Daily Caller News Foundation. This while his lawyer has told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Imran “doesn’t have a pot to piss in.”
Investigators say the alleged congressional fraud may extend to millions of dollars. The FBI is in possession of hundreds of “Suspicious Activity Reports” detailing unusual transfers from Imran’s bank accounts, officials said.

Some wonder why I call it the Evil Party...
An admitted pedophile who served 16 months in federal prison for threatening to assassinate the president of the United States is now running for Congress thanks to former Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

In the "We should be more like Britain!" category, at this point that's like saying "Every city should be like Chicago!"  Did a little looking at two Brit news sites yesterday, and found
Man bled to death on millionaire's row after being stabbed,

Teenage thug, 19, on bail over two previous assaults killed father-of-two, 20, with a single punch before boasting on Facebook that he'd 'sent him snoring, hahaha'

Two police officers suffer 'horrendous injuries' as one is stabbed in the neck and his female colleague knifed in the arm in 'shocking attack'
That's from two news sites and a quick look over them.  Now, let's look at something that might indicate where some of this is coming from:
Children are starting school unable to speak properly, dress themselves or even use the toilet, the head of Ofsted warns today

In a damning verdict on the standard of some modern-day parenting, Amanda Spielman will highlight the rising number of pre-school children who are not taught basic speech or hygiene. 

In a speech to nursery leaders in London today, Mrs Spielman will issue a plea to daycare staff to step in and help such children by teaching them basic skills.
A: For it to be bad enough that this statement came out, it must be really bad.
B: Take note of that last bit: ...a plea to daycare staff...
Why, it's like she doesn't expect a lot of parents to do(or be able to do) anything about this.
While Mrs Spielman will not explicitly accuse families of feckless parenting, she will acknowledge that parents 'clearly have the most important role here' when it comes to solving the issues.
Well, no shit.  Yet the progressives keep saying that your kids don't belong to YOU, they belong to the State.  And parents who do with their kids what most used to do, are giving their kids an 'unfair advantage' and such shit.

Well, here's where that progzi crap leads to. 

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