Tuesday, April 10, 2018

From the same people who'll try to yank someone's license because

a customer abbreviated a city name on a form:
A government watchdog said Monday the Department of Justice should do a better job keeping track of ammunition after a routine audit uncovered “significant deficiencies” in the current system.

Michael Horowitz, inspector general for the DOJ, said an audit of 13 sites operated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives between 2014 and 2017 “understated” its ammo inventory by a minimum of 31,000 rounds.

“Given that the ATF has over 275 offices, the number of unaccounted ammunition rounds is likely much higher,” he said. “When inventories are inaccurate, there is increased risk that ammunition may be lost, stolen, or misplaced without detection.”
Wonderful, isn't it?

“In summary, we found that ATF did not maintain a current balance of all rounds of ammunition on hand,” the report said. “This issue was further impacted by the fact that several sites were comingling (sic) loose rounds of different types of the same caliber of ammunition and none of the sites tracked inventories of ammunition used for test-fire and demonstration purposes.”
I repeat: same people who'll take any error on a form, no matter how small, and use it as a hammer on people.

But hey, there are improvements:
Horowitz didn’t deliver all bad news to the agency, however. In the three years studied during the audit process, the ATF reported 26 instances of special agents losing or stealing firearms — a “substantial improvement” Horowitz said over the last review conducted a decade ago.
“We determined that the monthly rate of loss decreased by over 55 percent since a prior 2008 OIG audit, but was still higher than the rate in a 2002 Treasury OIG audit,” the report concludes.
Think anyone will face punishment for an- stop laughing dammit, at least let me finish first.

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