Thursday, March 01, 2018

Tab clearing, because it requires little thought

Brought to you by the only people who should be allowed to have guns.

After ten minutes of CNN’s town hall “debate” I had already searched for gun safes, the closest firearms dealer near me, classes on gun safety, and an NRA membership. Whether that’s a sign the event was a rousing success or terrible failure depends on who you ask. But whenever the left talks about gun control, significant numbers of people who see value in the Second Amendment run out and purchase a gun. 

Normally, that wouldn’t include me. But this time was different. Here’s why.

Lots of sheriff's are saying "Screw you, I'm not enforcing this anti-gun-ownership law."

Looks like Palmetto State deserves our business.

That would be my response to Mexico bitching about a wall: "Why don't you try making your country less of a shithole, so people don't think walking across a desert or putting their kids on a train to get to the US is better than staying home?"

No shit.

No, those teenagers didn't put all that together by themselves.  Yes, they're being used.

They Don’t Hate The NRA. They Hate You.

And that's all I'm good for tonight.

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