Sunday, March 04, 2018

Only in Californicated or someplace similar

could something so easy to solve become such a damned mess.

As coworker said "Wild cattle hunting license; how many could you sell?"


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    We used to have wild dog hunts in our area. They breed on and escape from the reservation. Now we are not allowed to shoot wild dogs. Stupid rules.


  2. taminator0135:44 AM

    And if they did finally decide to kill the cattle and feral dogs you would have PETA protesting and dragging it through the courts for years while the problem, if there really is one, gets worse.............

    In my state the PA Game Commission is in charge of protecting wildlife. Any wild animal that is not designated a game animal is protected by law unless it's an invasive or non native species. You are permitted to fire at will at things like English Sparrows, European Starlings, feral hogs, etc. No limit, no closed season. Those cattle wouldn't be long for this world and there would be quite a few filled freezers,food bank donations and huge BBQs. Then again, we're talking about CA. They'll study it for years if not decades, spends millions of dollars and still not come up with a solution.......

  3. That's what annoys me about this: these ARE an invasive species, they ARE damaging the land/plants/native stuff, and they still can't just deal with the problem.

    The feral dogs: same thing. And if they think they're not also killing deer and anything else they can catch...

  4. taminator0136:50 AM

    Send in the Koreans for the feral dogs. Great BBQs for them..........

  5. Are there no cowboys in California? Hell,150 to 200 head are an easy gather for 2 people on good horses and a dog or two. If they were willing to suspend stupid rules on the land for say 2 weeks during Spring Break, and offer free beer to cowboys they could probably have 500 college teamropers show up and head and heal every critter there in a day or two. Live capture, hell, build a temporary arena and an impromptu Rodeo would break out. Knowing what I do about drunken college cowboys, they would probably make a hell of a dent in the dog population too, just by roping them.

  6. Give it a while and toss in some of the less civilized species to interbreed. The Aurochs was a formidable piece of dangerous game in its day.

  7. markm8:25 AM

    We already have the aurochs - the American bison is the same species, as are domesticated cattle.


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