Saturday, March 10, 2018

Once more, chickenshit politicians want to play both sides:

"See, we made it possible for some teachers to be armed(but we made it so difficult and expensive that almost none will do it)!"
And it gives asshats like USA Today a chance to whine "Is this enough training?"

I'm going to borrow from Mr. Correia on Bookface:
132 hours of training? Are you friggin’ kidding me?

Police departments don’t require 132 hours of dedicated firearms instruction. It has been a while but I think most POST programs are half that, and include lots of things that no teachers will ever be expected to do. It isn’t their job to follow the use of force pyramid while trying to put handcuffs on a belligerent meth head.

And once they are cops, the number of continual training hours after that will vary wildly by department, but they will be lucky to get 132 total hours of gun training over several years. Some departments, unless they are on the SWAT team they won’t get 132 hours in their career.

Just like the Federal Flight Deck program to arm pilots, they are just trying to bury a program in logistics and costs so that nobody can take advantage of it.


  1. Friend told me that the longest block of time in that 132 hours is on "diversity". Why do I believe him?

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Spent 12 years of my life as a regional police academy director with 32 years total as a master firearms instructor in a very large metro area. "Dedicated" firearms instruction for basic recruits was 40 hours (5 days). Day-1 was 4 hours of safety/cleaning, 4 hours of judgemental use of force--all in the classroom. Days 2-3 were dedicated to handgun qualification. Day 4 was rifle and shotgun familiarization (not qualification) with 2 hours of "night-fire", no qualification score required. Day-5 was for the "UNQs" pronounced UNKs (almost like "oinks", meaning unqualified students to have a do-over or three as required to meet state standards.

    Annual requirement for in-service training was 4-8 hours at departmental level.


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