Saturday, January 27, 2018

Looks like the situation in Sweden is getting harder and harder to gloss over

Sweden is among the world’s safest, richest and best-run countries enjoying steady growth and rising employment. But it has been experiencing an unprecedented surge of bombings and sexual assaults.

In a country of 10m people, more than 320 shootings and dozens of bombings were reported in 2017, along with more than 110 murders and 7,226 rapes — a 10% increase on 2016. More than 36% of young Swedish women say they feel unsafe at night.
Whyever might that be?
The crime surge is mainly confined to so-called “areas of social exclusion”, a code for neighbourhoods such as Rosengard that are predominantly populated by immigrants. They are not classic ghettos — the infrastructure and services are better than in areas of central London — but these communities are plagued by high crime rates and unemployment.

In Malmo, where a fifth of the 340,000 inhabitants are under 18, children as young as 14 roam the streets with Kalashnikov assault rifles and bulletproof vests.
In Sweden.  Multi-culti 'all cultures are equal' and 'They have solved the gun problem!' Sweden.

From another article:
Last month, even the New York Times got into the act. Sort of. On December 10, it reported on a Molotov cocktail attack on a Gothenburg synagogue. Of course, being the Times, it managed to sidestep the words Muslim and Islam even though it was clear what was going on: “about 10 young people...began setting fire to objects and throwing them at the synagogue”; the cops “arrested three men in their 20s”; this followed an anti-Israel protest in which participants waved “Palestinian flags” and “yelled that they were going to shoot Jews” and threatened a Malmö “intifada” in Arabic.

Wonder how long the "There is no problem, and anyone who says there is will be arrested!" crap is going to continue, with stuff like this happening more and more?

1 comment:

  1. "Areas of social exclusion"???

    But...but...I thought that we were all the same and that we can all just get along. This 'social exclusion' is racist and islamaphobic, I mean, it's the religion of peace after all. Why would hordes of near retards cause a problem?
