Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Is there ANYONE at high level in the EffingBI who isn't a corrupt bastard?

Court documents recently filed by the government further rock the credibility of Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller because they show that as FBI Director Mueller he worked to cover up the connection between a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The documents reveal that Mueller was likely involved in publicly releasing deceptive official agency statements about a secret investigation of the Saudis, who lived in Sarasota, with ties to the hijackers. A Florida journalism nonprofit uncovered the existence of the secret FBI investigation that was also kept from Congress. 

Under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI tried to discredit the story, publicly countering that agents found no connection between the Sarasota Saudi family and the 2001 terrorist plot. The reality is that the FBI’s own files contained several reports that said the opposite, according to the Ft. Lauderdale-based news group’s ongoing investigation. Files obtained by reporters in the course of their lengthy probe reveal that federal agents found “many connections” between the family and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.” The FBI was forced to release the once-secret reports because the news group sued in federal court when the information wasn’t provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
This is the piece of shit the Democrats and never-Trumpers are so desperate to keep running the 'collusion with Russia' investigation.

I'll throw in: is there ANYONE running ANY federal agency(especially IRS, FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA) who can be trusted about ANYTHING?


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    There is no one at ANY level in the FBI who is not a corrupt bastard. Definitively. There are age and years of service mandates for FBI and all Federal law enforcement agencies. Going back to the Clinton Administrations, the tops of all these agencies have been corrupt and increasingly loyal to the DNC and the Deep State as opposed to the Constitution since then. Honorable cops have been forced out and are all gone by force or retirement. The corrupt and functionally treasonous leaderships of those agencies are the ones who do the recruiting and hiring, and any field level agent who shows integrity and fidelity to the Constitution will not make it through their probation. If 99 44/100% of an organization is made up of tyrants and wanna-be Lavrenti Beria's, do you leave them because of the minuscule fraction who have not been caught as corrupt?

    Subotai Bahadur

  2. They can be trusted to keep cashing their paychecks. Not so sure about continuing to keep their mouths shut.

  3. thinkingman10:22 PM

    Suddenly, nothing that was in the X Files series seems far fetched.
