Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I still don't watch political speeches, so I didn't see it;

from what I'm hearing from people who don't like Trump, apparently he kicked ass.  And Democrats.  And, as someone put it the other day, "This speech will not be given by Hillary Clinton, so the state of the Union is GREAT!"

Interesting piece on Jewish support for the Evil Party, includes this:
So here’s the question I began to ponder after poking around the Blitzer family tree. What would make Wolf Blitzer decide to shit all over the memory of his Holocaust-survivor father, for no other reason than to push for the U.S. to be flooded with unskilled immigrants? Why is that so damn important to the guy, that he’s willing to dishonor the memory of the man who raised him? 

This is a low point for leftist Jews. I would argue that this may indeed be the lowest point that any leftist Jew has ever managed to reach. Because, as sacred as the Holocaust is to the average Jew, and as sacred as Holocaust survivors are to the average Jew, apparently you can spit on the grave of a Holocaust survivor if by doing so you make it easier for a Mexican drug dealer to wreak havoc north of the border.

I want to know what all's in that memo, if only because even the threat of it being released is causing leftists to lose their minds.  And stuff like this keeps coming out:
The inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, has been asking witnesses why FBI leadership seemed unwilling to move forward on the examination of emails found on the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) until late October -- about three weeks after first being alerted to the issue, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

A key question of the internal investigation is whether McCabe or anyone else at the FBI wanted to avoid taking action on the laptop findings until after the Nov. 8 election, these people said. It is unclear whether the inspector general has reached any conclusions on that point.
And this on the "The messages disappeared, we can't possibly retrieve them!" crap:
A former FBI special agent, who worked extensively on counterterrorism related cases, stated they were "dumbfounded" by the FBI's original excuse that the text messages were irretrievable.

"Even though the servers 'lost' the text messages of Strzok they would still be on his actual device, even if he deleted them," stated the former FBI special agent, who asked to speak on background due to the sensitivity of the case. "That's how we catch bad guys, we forensically search their phones. Nothing disappears off the device, nothing... unless they take a hammer to it or microwave it. The question is, the FBI knows this, so why did the bureau say they couldn’t retrieve them -- why did they mislead Congress."
Well, you've got two choices: trying to cover-up their actions, at least enough to buy time, or(in some cases) misguided clowns following their programming to try to protect the sacred Bureau from more bad publicity.  Or a mix of both.  Either case ought to lead to people being fired at the least; I'm pretty damned sick of LEOs- especially high-ranking ones- getting away with crap that would put a plain old citizen in a cell.

One gripe I've heard about releasing the memo is that it might damage the possibility of prosecuting some of the lawbreakers.  I don't know if that's really a worry or not; I do know that if it causes enough people to blow  up and kick the ass of their congresscritter to actually get something DONE about it, it might be worth if.

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