Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Durbin's lied before about what was said in meetings, so

not only is there "Why believe him?", but anyone who'd trust him at a meeting is a fool.

Also: it's long beyond entertaining and well into "Fuck this and fuck you, asshole" territory to watch someone have a fit calling you a "Trumper!" when you point out that something is either flatly bullshit, or not to be trusted without some kind of proof.

So, the GAO did a study trying to illegally buy guns online; didn't work.  So now the Democrats are whining that "You didn't do the study right!"  Because it damages one of their favorite talking points.  Get this from Schatz:
He continued, “Our view is that it is still absolutely possible to legally purchase guns online. The way that the GAO analysts did it is, they announced to the sellers, ‘Hey I’d like to buy some guns illegally.’ I think the sellers are wise enough to that to decline, so we did not agree with their methodology, but we’ll continue to work on this issue.”
Got that?  Someone does what the Democrats have claimed is done, and couldn't buy a gun.  So "You didn't do it right!"

And doing business legitimately doesn't count either:
TheDC asked Sen. Schatz if he took issue with these websites that operate legitimately and he stated he could not address the issue at that time.
Translation: "I hate them and want them out of business no matter what, but I can't say that outright."
Once again: The hell they 'don't want to take your guns'.

So: guy quite possibly lied on the forms(felony, let us remember), and then writes a story about GUN!  And this is part of it:
You could almost say that a gun wants to be shot. I know that sounds like a magic busload of hippie nonsense, and I have no doubt that experienced gun collectors would scoff at the idea, but I swear I felt it. Not like it was calling out to me or anything, but as soon as it was in the room, it was the main thing about that room, a temperature raiser, an undeniable source of power.
Why yes, it IS hippie bullshit.
And don't worry, it gets worse.

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