Tuesday, December 12, 2017

When the prosecutors, and the cops taking their orders, are the criminals

The investigation continued despite its failure to find anything like the sort of violations it was ostensibly intended to investigate. It continued despite court orders to stop. And prosecutors retained evidence (including medical and other records about Republican officials and donors, kept in a file labeled “opposition research”) even after being ordered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to turn all the information over. It was a lawless exercise of prosecutorial power, for political ends.
Raids suitable for violent felons, gag orders("Tell anyone anything about this and you go to jail."), all because a bunch of Democrats wanted to bring down a governor.  And anyone else they could.

If there are no disbarments and people going to jail over this, it'll be one mo- make that a box more nails in the coffin of 'trusting the authorities'.

1 comment:

  1. Phssthpok8:57 AM

    Personally I'm past the 'nails in the coffin' stage and have moved onto the 'shovels of dirt' phase...
