Monday, December 18, 2017

So it may well be "We want to them have guns, but

we really don't.  So we'll compromise."
A number of British police forces are considering arming their officers. The move comes in the wake of the UK suffering five high profile terror attack in 2017. Three regional police forces are reported to feel that the large areas they police mean that the current system of only specially trained firearms officers being armed limits their ability to respond to terrorism and serious crimes involving firearms.
Here's the part I'm referring to:
This paper laid out several options which are reported to be under consideration. These included allowing some uniformed officers to openly carry side arms while another would follow the Norwegian Police Service’s model with firearms being stored securely in patrol cars with access needing to be authorised by senior officers.
Because there's nothing so efficient as, during a terrorist attack, needing to contact a senior to get authorization to unlock the case/rack/whatever so you can do something...

Imagine some cop in the middle of an attack and there's no bloody TIME; do you follow the procedure, or unlock the damn thing(if you can), use it, and hope they don't hang you for violating the rule?


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    OH NO! You misunderstand sir! The key to the field officers lock box, would be in a locked safe in the "authorizing officers" office. He wouldn't be able to open the safe without the authorizing number and combination code from HIS supervising officer. Who would no be able to authorize deployment without due consideration by the Minister of Defense , Home Secretary and Prime Minister. Then and ONLY then would the supervising officer be authorized to drive to the field officers location accompanied by three social workers and a UN Human rights observer and unlock the box. To unlock the separate box containing the ammunition might take much longer as those are kept in Whitehall.


    It's thier own damn fault for 1 -Disarming in the first place, and 2- Letting those psychotic savages into thier HOME bythe 1,000s....
