Friday, December 15, 2017

Californicated is run by idiots, control freaks and corrupt bastards*

Who'll do anything to pretend to actually be doing something.
“We passed Proposition 63. Starting in January we’ll begin forcing violent convicted felons to give up their firearms. So if you’re a dangerous criminal, we really are coming for your guns,” says Newsome in the video.

Here’s a fair question: Why hasn’t California been taking guns away from violent felons all along? Here’s another one: Why are they just going to start doing this in January?
Um, because it would actually involve going after criminals, and they're a major Democrat support group?
Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase or possess firearms. This is not a new “innovative” crime-fighting law that California just passed. It was part of the restrictions imposed by the Gun Control Act of 1968. That’s a law that is almost 50-years-old. This was was also reinforced by the Brady Handgun Violence Act in 1993, which established the background check requirement for gun purchases.

This is like California bragging that they will end theft by finally enforcing burglary laws that have existed longer than anyone can remember. While they are at it, why don’t they stamp out rape and murder with the enforcement of existing anti-rape and murder laws?

*I would've added 'socialists', but I'd already said 'idiots' and 'corrupt bastards'

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