Sunday, December 10, 2017

And they claim to wonder why most people think they're corrupt hacks?

Aaron Zebley served previously as Mueller’s chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice. He also served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the National Security and Terrorism Unit in Alexandria, Virginia. 

He is often referred to in the media as Mueller's "right-hand man." 

Also, in 2015 when he was a lawyer, he represented Justin Cooper, the IT staffer who personally set up Hillary Clinton's unsecure server in her Chappaqua home, Fox News' Tucker Carlson revealed on his show Thursday.
Let this sink in. The same attorney who played a defensive role for Hillary Clinton was tapped by Mueller in June to play an offensive role against Clinton opponent Trump.

But Zebley isn't the only questionable hire. Out of a team of fifteen lawyers, nine of them have donated to Democratic candidates. None of them seem to have Republican leanings.

Mohammed bin Salman better have damn good security people, because with things like this he's got an even bigger bullseye on his back.

Amazing, is it not, what happens when the people in charge of the war actually want to win?

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