Thursday, December 07, 2017

And the abuser said "See what you made me do!

You're a fascist!  You have wrongthink!  Your words are violence, so you're forcing me to attack and silence you!"
Ah, how Soviet of them.

Lots of people have played the "We just need to put more money into education, like California!" over time; yeah, that's worked.
A group of prominent lawyers representing teachers and students from poor performing schools sued California on Tuesday, arguing that the state has done nothing about a high number of schoolchildren who do not know how to read.

The advocacy law firm, Public Counsel, filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court to demand the California Department of Education address its “literacy crisis.” The state has not followed suggestions from its own report on the problem five years ago, the lawsuit said.
Assessments found less than half of California students from third grade to fifth grade have met statewide literacy standards since 2015. Both traditional and charter schools are failing, Rosenbaum said.
Of the 26 lowest-performing districts in the nation, 11 are in California, according to the lawsuit. Texas, the largest state after California, has only one district among the 26.

The defense:
Department of Education spokesman Bill Ainsworth said officials could not comment because the state had not yet been served with the lawsuit.
But he said in an email that “California has one of the most ambitious programs in the nation to serve low-income students.”
Yeah, how's that working out?
State assessments found 96 percent of students at the school were not proficient in English or math, according to the lawsuit. Only eight of the school’s 179 students were found to be proficient when tested last year.
David Moch, another plaintiff, is a retired teacher who taught at La Salle for 18 years. Moch said he had fifth graders in his kindergarten class.
Teachers were not given training or help to deal with the situation and programs that did seem to make a dent were discontinued, Moch said.
This is the end result of playing indoctrination instead of education. And kids and the whole society are paying for it.

Daughter recently ran into a problem with storing information on the cloud.  Which made me think even less of the idea.  Which brings us to a comment from Kim on the matter:
Here’s my take on all of this. If I were a corporate executive and one of my subordinates even suggested using Goggle Dox, Twatter or Fuckfacebook [sp?] to store and/or communicate our company documents, I’d fire him on the spot — because I think it is the absolute height of corporate irresponsibility to delegate those capabilities to any outside entity, let alone to these techno-bastards.

The school of journalism on a guy invited to speak at campus:
“I think we can find a speaker who will talk about free speech issues, without running the risk of offending students. We can still have a conversation with him if you want, but he is pretty extreme in his views,” Abramson’s email reportedly said.

Abramson told KGVO at the time that “the J-school does not have to invite people that we think don’t match with our priorities or our values as a tolerant, welcoming school.”
Because deity forbid some wannabe journalists have to face someone whose words might offend them.  Jeez, Abramson is a jerk.

1 comment:

  1. If your data is transmitted it is compromised. That anyone trusts data aggregators with confidential data is sacrificing security for convenience and the ability to control access is theirs. Security in the cloud is like fog in the night only an illusion.
